Psalms of Life

About the author

The author has been a Christian for nearly 25 years and, despite a spectacular ability to get it wrong, has attempted to understand and get to know what a vibrant, real, significant and relevant relationship with a living, personal God actually means. These poems are some of the 'conversations' that he has had with God that just deal with life as it happened and reflect what many others have felt in similar circumstances.

The Author became a Christian on Tuesday 1st June 1976 and would like to say that he has used the last 25 years to grow and mature. Unfortunately the reality is probably that all the tantrums, lack of faith and attempts to force God's hand when things seemed to be moving a little slowly have retarded, not promoted his growth as a Christian.

If his human development mirrored his Christian development, he would be considered 'backward'.

Notwithstanding this, he is absolutely steadfast in his belief that talking with God is the only way forward - be it in praise or frustration, elation or despair. God doesn't make us immune from tragedy or unfairness, ecstasy or wealth; but he does give us a way of dealing with it. Seeking God's will (and understanding that God always answers - he just says "No" or "Wait" more than we'd like!) is central to growth with God.

Enjoy the book, use the book - and never stop talking to God. He's right next to you and he loves to hear you speak.

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